Field Studies

  • Cotton Field Studies
    Antibiotic Reduction – North Central Iowa

    Purpose of Test:
    Will Livestock Answer™, without antibiotics, improve performance compared to control rations with antibiotics.

    Test Results:
    With Livestock Answer™ improved feed conversion 1.7%, death loss was.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Soybean Field Studies
    Hallow Farm –

    Purpose of Test:
    Observe whether foliar applications of The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ produces a positive ROI.

    Test Results:
    At both foliar rates, there was $1.50 to $2.00 return per dollar invested. See your local dealer for details.

    See your local dealer for details.

    PFanner Farm – East Central MO

    Purpose of Test:
    Compare the performance The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ in improving yield. Also mesure for change in soil psi using a computerized penetrometer.

    Test Results:
    Improved yield response 18% (or over $50.00/acre) over control. Measured -24% in row change in soil psi. Soil was clay loam.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Alfalfa & Hay Field Studies
    Farr Ranch, A 10 Year Study – Antelope Valley, NV

    Purpose of Test:
    Increase crop yield with the addition of The Bio-N-Liven Answer™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™.

    Test Results:
    Yield was increased from 4 to 6 tons per acre on average, and sustained for 10 years.
    Full Study

    See your local dealer for details.

    Skeen Alfalfa Farm – Fort Stockton, TX

    Purpose of Test:
    Increase crop yield and crude protein with the addition of The Bio-N-Liven Answer™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™.

    Test Results:
    Yield was increased 2.5 to 3.0 tons per acre. Crude protein increased by 23.1% overall.

    See your local dealer for details.

    Macy Ranches - Culver, OR

    Purpose of Test:
    Compare the performance of The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ Soil Alive Program to a competitive humate program.

    Test Results:
    The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ Soil Alive Program increased the yield by approximately 20% compared to the competitive humate program.

    See your local dealer for details.

    Rash Farm – Albert City, IA

    Purpose of Test:
    Three year study to determine if the application of The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ can increase yield. Application of the EC&S products was the only difference between control and treatment.

    Test Results:
    The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ treatment increased yield between 21% and 36% vs. control.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Pecan Field Studies
    Pecan Farm – NM

    Purpose of Test:
    Would foliar and irrigation water application of The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ positively effect yield in the poorest producing portion of the orchard.

    Test Results:
    Pecan production for the “off” year in this poor production area was greater than the “good” production year.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Nursery Plant Field Studies
    Dessert Valley Nursery – Madres, OR

    Purpose of Test:
    Can root growth improve root growth in nursery plants using The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™.

    Test Results:
    Owner of nursery observed massive increased root growth, including labor intensive poinsettias.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Soil Nutrient Field Studies
    Silty and Clay Loam Soils – NE and SE Iowa and NE Missouri

    Purpose of Test:
    Does the application of using The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ increase the release of soil nutrients.

    Test Results:
    Increased bio-availability of phosphorus (P1 and P2), potassium, calcium and magnesium of between 3% and 39.8% over control.

    See your local dealer for details.

    4 Year Biological Nitrogen Study – ND and IA

    Purpose of Test:
    Examine the optimal Nitrogen application to maximize corn yield using The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™.

    Test Results:
    Results indicate that 70 lbs/acre of Nitrogen, with the use of biological program, may be optimal for greatest yield.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Corn Field Studies
    Corn Silage – TX

    Purpose of Test:
    Comparison yields and rates of return when biological products (The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™) are applied to seed at planting using different nitrogen levels.

    Test Results:
    The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ treated seed increased yield between 11.11 ton per acre and gross profit $213-250 per acre with a 32% improved use of Nitrogen vs. control.

    See your local dealer for details.

    West Texas Biological – TX

    Purpose of Test:
    Will the use of The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ benefit high input irrigated corn producers, with and without an encapsulated nitrogen bacteria source.

    Test Results:
    The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™ increased efficiency of salt based conventional fertilizer input expenses. The program improved yields 11%-20% and improved profitability from $47-$149/acre.

    See your local dealer for details.

    Currier Farm – Indianota, IA

    Purpose of Test:
    Determine what nitrogen rate is most profitable when using The Bio-N-Liven™ and The Frozen-Flame Answer™.

    Test Results:
    Yield improved 16.5 bushels per acre with 50% less nitrogen (Liquid N 28%) netting an increase of over $40.00 per acre.

    See your local dealer for details.

  • Swine & Hog Field Studies
    Antibiotic Reduction – North Central Iowa

    Purpose of Test:
    Will Livestock Answer™, without antibiotics, improve performance compared to control rations with antibiotics.

    Test Results:
    With Livestock Answer™ improved feed conversion 1.7%, death loss was.

    See your local dealer for details.

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