Frequently Asked Questions

  • Soil/Crops
  • S1
    What research has been completed to show why I should purchase The Answer™ products?

    70% (93 of 135) replicated field tests have shown:

    • Profitable yield responses.

    • Soil Compaction (PSI) reduced by 20-25% 18 inches into the soil profile.

    • Consistent increases in crop nutrient content.

    Click here to read Field Studies and Testimonials

  • S2
    Can I decrease my normal fertilizer inputs when using The Answer™ products?

    It depends upon your goals. If you want to take yields another step higher than present you may choose to add The Answer™ products to your existing fertilizer program. We may recommend a different (less toxic) source of nutrient inputs.

    If your growing season and annual rainfall is limited and you have average cation exchange capacity with medium nutrient ranges, you can likely decrease your fertilizer input costs. Stimulated microbial activity builds topsoil and improves soils nutrient availability. Any management and/or cultural practices that protect from carbon oxidation, accelerate healthy soil life and decrease compaction for air and water vertical movement, should improve efficient plant and crop production.

    If you wish to more toward organic production, then the sooner you eliminate normal fertilizer input the better. Since The Answer™ products stimulate the production of topsoil and the remediation of toxicity, in most cases, production will not decrease during this transition.

  • S3
    Forage quality becomes more important for ruminants including equine. Can I depend on improved nutritional analysis from forage produced from the use of The Answer™ products?

    A balanced soil (biologically and elementally) will grow all crops with improved nutrition levels. Animals will choose to graze from the area of a field where the grass or legume is more nutritious, higher brix (sugars, amino acids and minerals).

    The Answer™ products will stimulate and feed the microbial life as well as improve most of the elemental nutrients availability for improved crop quality. The products will assist with balancing the soil biologically, but if elements are grossly out of balance or short, the soil needs to be analyzed and fertilizer added to bring balance to that field.

  • S4
    After a few years of stimulating microbial life with your products, will I need to continue their use?

    Dr. Jackson expects plants (crops) to improve performance for five years when using The Answer™ product line. During the past 60 years, especially due to high-demand, single-crop commercial production, fostered by chemical fertilizers, soil organic matter levels have continued to decrease. To reverse that trend, continuous explosion of macro- and microorganisms, and their remains, is the only method to rebuild and restore organic matter levels.

    Dr. Jackson reminds us to let your fields rest on the 7th year. For small gardens, native plant, animal and biota diversity, all working together at the same time in a ‘Permaculture’ program, may supply an almost unending natural balance for soil where ‘rest’ may not be required–especially when hazardous or toxic chemicals aren’t involved. In commercial and large-scale agriculture, however, that is not true.

    Though you may not concur, here are two very old references that state the point:
    Exodus 23:10-11;
    Leviticus 25:2-7, 11, 12, 20, 21

    Nice to know that everything works when you follow nature’s plan: Even though your fields may rest from you, soil life - macro- and microorganisms, are part of the plan and continue to work. Their only problem is that they are inherently lazy, will do as little as possible above supplying their own needs unless ‘prodded’ into doing so. If you want them to increase transformation of ‘waste’ into ‘perfectly balanced plant food’ during the ‘rest’ time – or any other time, then continue with the program: After all, it really is pretty simple.

  • S5
    You think and talk differently than most fertilizer suppliers. How are you different?

    During the past 50 years, most of us have been trained to think and apply concepts relating to chemical inputs for farming. We still see increased yields in old fence lines or tilled feedlots where organic matter is higher, microorganism-life thrives and earthworms are plentiful. The Answer™ customers expect the same on all cropland.

    Biological farming is being successfully incorporated back into conventional crop practices for more profitable production. Stimulated microbial soil environments create healthier soil and crops, and decrease soil compaction, thus improving air and water vertical movement. Results: Less plant stress, improved yields and higher quality crops, as well as improved Bottom Line.

    With the accelerated use of commercial farm chemicals, thought to be necessary to modern agriculture, the study and use of soil microbes becomes increasingly important in revitalizing the soil rapidly, safely and economically.

    If being "different" is stimulating and feeding dormant microbial life as an integral part of sustainable and/or conventional crop production, we feel proud to be the ‘New Voice, New Ideas & New Direction’ that leads farmers in change.

    There are only two methods to build topsoil. These methods have been lost during the last few farming generations:

    * Micro-organisms: Microbial soil life, stimulated and fed to reproduce geometrically when temperature and moisture is available.

    •* Macro-organisms: earthworms, ants, etc. digest fibrous material and produce castings (balanced plant food). Their dead bodies and castings could be classified as rich balanced topsoil.

  • Animals/Livestock
    Always remember that even with The Livestock Answer™ improving digestion, nutrient absorption, and general health and well being, the feed is the basic component and even Livestock Answer™ can¹t improve the feed beyond its own basic potential.
  • L1
    Enzymes have been used for years in some livestock and bird operations, what is special about Livestock Answer™?

    There are 17 different enzyme catalysts in The Livestock Answer™, manufactured as a synergistic unit (team) to improve digestion of protein, fat, multiple starches and fibers. The Livestock Answer™ also contains other ingredients proven to aid in digestion and support overall gut health.

    The digestion of feed and assimilation of nutrients is an animal’s #1 most stressful activity especially if there are any negative issues such as worms, parasites, ulcerations, out of balance biotics, etc. Here is where The Livestock Answer™ truly excels: Not only do the enzymes and probiotics help reduces stress by improving digestion and nutrient assimilation, the other ingredients help eliminate intestinal parasites, and furnish natural electrolytes that assist and stimulate the animal’s own immune system, thus helping reducing the need of antibiotics.

    In short: More efficient digestion of feed and nutrient uptake; Less feed required for weight gain with better lean-to-fat ratios; Improved gut health and over-all improved well-being; Improved immune system for antibiotic reduction or even elimination. All over improved health also means better a better bottom line.’

  • L2
    Under what feeding situations is feeding Livestock Answer™ most effective and profitable?

    The Livestock Answer™ is effective under ‘all’ feeding situations, and you may not even realize that ‘all’ situations may include ‘special’ situation about which you’re not even aware since they have become so ‘everyday normal.’ It usually takes change/improvement to realize a ‘special-normal’ situation existed.

    The biggest improvements are noticed when animals are under stress, such as if requiring antibiotics or special meal formulations. But, we are so used to seeing animals that are fed GMO or low nutrient fodder, living in unhealthy or unnatural conditions, being routinely fed hormones and antibiotics, that being under stress may not even be identifiable – it’s just a ‘normal’ situation.

    Often it takes the time required to actually live through the improvements – calmer animal, less feed consumed, less coat and hoof issues, less antibiotics or hormones used, better conception rates, less morbidity and mortality, improved weight gain, better lean-to-fat ratios, more and better milk quality, improved bottom-line – to even be aware that there were situations that needed improvement. The Livestock Answer™ is for ALL situations.

    Always make sure your animals have plenty of good water.

  • L3
    How can I be sure that Livestock Answer™ is working or mixed well with the ration?

    Though primarily a dry animal feed additive that large producers mix with grains in mixing equipment such as ribbon-blenders, The Livestock Answer™ is versatile and absolute ‘exact measurements’ are not a requirement. As long as you are generally within the suggested dosage – 2.5 lbs per 2,000 lbs (1 ton) of dry feed, you can simply top dress as a powder, or mix thoroughly with water and pour over the feed. For animals with very sensitive noses, such as horses, mixing first with water is best for top dressing: Horses, for example, don’t like powder that ‘tickles’ their nose.

    One of the first proofs that The Livestock Answer™ is working is from the other end: waste will become more consistent; there will be less undigested feed in the fecal matter; odor will be reduced or eliminated; there may even be dead (or nearly dead) worms and parasites in the waste.

    Other results may take a bit longer to notice: calmer animal, better conception rates, less feed consumed but with improved weight gain and better lean-to-fat ratios, improved feather, and coat and foot health, better muscle tone and faster recovery rates, less morbidity and mortality, less antibiotics or hormones used, more and better milk quality, improved bottom-line.

  • L4
    What effect does Livestock Answer™ have on manure odors including ammonia?

    Digestion starts in the very beginning of the digestive track. The Livestock Answer™ formulation promotes a healthy digestive track as well as aiding in more rapid and thorough digestion of feed. An animal or foul with a healthy digestive system will have the feed more thoroughly digested and the nutrient portions more completely utilized before the remaindering exits. Result: Less waste, Less odor. But digestion does not stop there.

    The enzymes provided in The Livestock Answer™ formula, being catalysts, continue to work after leaving the digestive tract and continue to stimulate aerobic and anaerobic microbes to transform inorganic salts into organic forms, less toxic and more available plant nutrients. Pasture manure piles digest rapidly and the lush grass growing near the piles is palatable and nutritious.

    The same is true in pits or lagoons, The Livestock Answer™ formula stimulates both anaerobic and aerobic single-cell, plant-side microbes. The aerobic microbes produce oxygen that acts as a scrubber, attaching to the ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane gases that rise to the manure storage surface. RESULTS: LESS MANURE ODOR AND INCREASE AVAILABLE ORGANIC PLANT NUTRIENTS

  • L5
    On the 25 lb bag, the recommendation is to feed 2.5 lb/ton of dry animal feed. Are there any variations?

    Conditions vary, so the recommendation is an average. More may work better for pelleted feeds, GMO feed, and other variables unique to your situation. For example; One cattleman reported that 5 lb/ton reduced the feed consuption by 50 percent. For small animals (dogs, cats, etc.) users suggest 1 - 1.5 ounces per 10 pounds of dry feed.

  • L6
    How can I prove to myself fast, that Livestock Answer™ works on my animals?

    We often suggest that, if you have any doubts, you start with your sick pen and observe recovery rates.

    Also, If you have a young or old animal–cat, dog, horse, cow…, add The Livestock Answer™ to their daily ration for 2 weeks. Observe their alertness, improved activity, appetite and hair coat, etc.

    Always make sure your animals have plenty of good water.

  • L7
    What benefits do customers observe most easily?

    * Reproduction:, aggressive heats and improved conception rates in females, aggressive libido and sperm count in males.
    * Improved general health, less sickness especially during stress periods.
    * Alertness but calmness in handling.
    * Improved feather and hair coat, and improved hoof & foot health
    * Less pungent manure and facility odor – Less manure.
    * Less external pests, i.e. flies, flees, ticks, etc.
    * Reduced feed consumption with improved rate of weight gain

  • L8
    Can 1.25 pounds/ton be thoroughly mixed in a farm mixer?

    We would recommend that The Livestock Answer™ be added with a fine grind carrier and premix prior to adding to a farm mixer. But, Livestock Answer™ is versatile and meant to make a producers job easier. If this works best for you and you see improvement in your livestock and your bottom-line, do what you feel is best and keep us posted. We love hearing from you.

  • L9
    If I have a buildup of manure solids on the lagoon or pit floor, will the addition of Livestock Answer™ to the feed ration digest those manure solids?

    The answer is, “Yes”, but it can be rather slow if you are using disinfectants and antibiotics in your facility, water or feed rations. Disinfectants and antibiotics are ‘killers’ of the very microbial life that will digests the solids, reduces odor, and help keep the facility clean.

    When starting The Livestock Answer™ program …

    ‘JUMP-START’ PROGRAM – waste remediation as follows:
    * First: Mix 2 parts The Bio-Compost Answer™ and 1 part The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ with 10 parts non-chlorinated water. Spray down the animal facility – walls, rails, floor (slat or solid) with and allow it to run into the pit or drain system. Repeat in 2-4 weeks.
    * Second: For pits and ponds: Mix 2 parts The Bio-Compost Answer™ and 1 part The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ with up to 10 parts non-chlorinated water per acre foot of pit and pond volume. Spray or pour over, or inject into pit or pond to rapidly stimulate aerobic and anaerobic microbes to digest existing solids on the bottom of pits or lagoons. Repeat in 2 weeks.
    * Third: If you do NOT see pond or pit bubbling activity within one week, apply another ‘JUMP-START’ treatment.

    Once the remediation action has started, if you are using The Livestock Answer™, you may never need to repeat the ‘JUMP-START’ treatment again, and a maintenance program of facility wash-down every couple months–depending on how clean you wish to keep your facility and your use of antibiotics and disinfectants, will be all that is needed

    Mix The Bio-Compost Answer™ and The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ 2:1, and then add to up to 300 parts non-chlorinated water and spray down or mist the animal facility allowing runoff into the pit or drain system and then into the lagoon.
    * If continually using The Livestock Answer™, and depending on the use of antibiotics, disinfectants, footbaths, number of animals in the facility, etc, the MAINTENANCE PROGRAM may only be needed every 2-6 months or as often as desired to keep waste and odor down in your facility, and you pit and pond active.

  • Remediation
  •  Enzymes have been used for years in some livestock and bird operations, what is special about Livestock Answer™?

    There are 17 different enzyme catalysts in The Livestock Answer™, manufactured as a synergistic unit (team) to improve digestion of protein, fat, multiple starches and fibers. The Livestock Answer™ also contains other ingredients proven to aid in digestion and support overall gut health.

    The digestion of feed and assimilation of nutrients is an animal’s #1 most stressful activity especially if there are any negative issues such as worms, parasites, ulcerations, out of balance biotics, etc. Here is where The Livestock Answer™ truly excels: Not only do the enzymes and probiotics help reduces stress by improving digestion and nutrient assimilation, the other ingredients help eliminate intestinal parasites, and furnish natural electrolytes that assist and stimulate the animal’s own immune system, thus helping reducing the need of antibiotics.

    In short: More efficient digestion of feed and nutrient uptake; Less feed required for weight gain with better lean-to-fat ratios; Improved gut health and over-all improved well-being; Improved immune system for antibiotic reduction or even elimination. All over improved health also means better a better bottom line.’

  •  Under what feeding situations is feeding Livestock Answer™ most effective and profitable?

    The Livestock Answer™ is effective under ‘all’ feeding situations, and you may not even realize that ‘all’ situations may include ‘special’ situation about which you’re not even aware since they have become so ‘everyday normal.’ It usually takes change/improvement to realize a ‘special-normal’ situation existed.

    The biggest improvements are noticed when animals are under stress, such as if requiring antibiotics or special meal formulations. But, we are so used to seeing animals that are fed GMO or low nutrient fodder, living in unhealthy or unnatural conditions, being routinely fed hormones and antibiotics, that being under stress may not even be identifiable – it’s just a ‘normal’ situation.

    Often it takes the time required to actually live through the improvements – calmer animal, less feed consumed, less coat and hoof issues, less antibiotics or hormones used, better conception rates, less morbidity and mortality, improved weight gain, better lean-to-fat ratios, more and better milk quality, improved bottom-line – to even be aware that there were situations that needed improvement. The Livestock Answer™ is for ALL situations.

    Always make sure your animals have plenty of good water.

  •  How can I be sure that Livestock Answer™ is working or mixed well with the ration?

    Though primarily a dry animal feed additive that large producers mix with grains in mixing equipment such as ribbon-blenders, The Livestock Answer™ is versatile and absolute ‘exact measurements’ are not a requirement. As long as you are generally within the suggested dosage – 2.5 lbs per 2,000 lbs (1 ton) of dry feed, you can simply top dress as a powder, or mix thoroughly with water and pour over the feed. For animals with very sensitive noses, such as horses, mixing first with water is best for top dressing: Horses, for example, don’t like powder that ‘tickles’ their nose.

    One of the first proofs that The Livestock Answer™ is working is from the other end: waste will become more consistent; there will be less undigested feed in the fecal matter; odor will be reduced or eliminated; there may even be dead (or nearly dead) worms and parasites in the waste.

    Other results may take a bit longer to notice: calmer animal, better conception rates, less feed consumed but with improved weight gain and better lean-to-fat ratios, improved feather, and coat and foot health, better muscle tone and faster recovery rates, less morbidity and mortality, less antibiotics or hormones used, more and better milk quality, improved bottom-line.

  •  What effect does Livestock Answer™ have on manure odors including ammonia?

    Digestion starts in the very beginning of the digestive track. The Livestock Answer™ formulation promotes a healthy digestive track as well as aiding in more rapid and thorough digestion of feed. An animal or foul with a healthy digestive system will have the feed more thoroughly digested and the nutrient portions more completely utilized before the remaindering exits. Result: Less waste, Less odor. But digestion does not stop there.

    The enzymes provided in The Livestock Answer™ formula, being catalysts, continue to work after leaving the digestive tract and continue to stimulate aerobic and anaerobic microbes to transform inorganic salts into organic forms, less toxic and more available plant nutrients. Pasture manure piles digest rapidly and the lush grass growing near the piles is palatable and nutritious.

    The same is true in pits or lagoons, The Livestock Answer™ formula stimulates both anaerobic and aerobic single-cell, plant-side microbes. The aerobic microbes produce oxygen that acts as a scrubber, attaching to the ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane gases that rise to the manure storage surface. RESULTS: LESS MANURE ODOR AND INCREASE AVAILABLE ORGANIC PLANT NUTRIENTS

  •  On the 25 lb bag, the recommendation is to feed 2.5 lb/ton of dry animal feed. Are there any variations?

    Conditions vary, so the recommendation is an average. More may work better for pelleted feeds, GMO feed, and other variables unique to your situation. For example; One cattleman reported that 5 lb/ton reduced the feed consuption by 50 percent. For small animals (dogs, cats, etc.) users suggest 1 - 1.5 ounces per 10 pounds of dry feed.

  •  How can I prove to myself fast, that Livestock Answer™ works on my animals?

    We often suggest that, if you have any doubts, you start with your sick pen and observe recovery rates.

    Also, If you have a young or old animal–cat, dog, horse, cow…, add The Livestock Answer™ to their daily ration for 2 weeks. Observe their alertness, improved activity, appetite and hair coat, etc.

    Always make sure your animals have plenty of good water.

  •  What benefits do customers observe most easily?

    * Reproduction:, aggressive heats and improved conception rates in females, aggressive libido and sperm count in males.
    * Improved general health, less sickness especially during stress periods.
    * Alertness but calmness in handling.
    * Improved feather and hair coat, and improved hoof & foot health
    * Less pungent manure and facility odor – Less manure.
    * Less external pests, i.e. flies, flees, ticks, etc.
    * Reduced feed consumption with improved rate of weight gain

  •  Can 1.25 pounds/ton be thoroughly mixed in a farm mixer?

    We would recommend that The Livestock Answer™ be added with a fine grind carrier and premix prior to adding to a farm mixer. But, Livestock Answer™ is versatile and meant to make a producers job easier. If this works best for you and you see improvement in your livestock and your bottom-line, do what you feel is best and keep us posted. We love hearing from you.

  •  If I have a buildup of manure solids on the lagoon or pit floor, will the addition of Livestock Answer™ to the feed ration digest those manure solids?

    The answer is, “Yes”, but it can be rather slow if you are using disinfectants and antibiotics in your facility, water or feed rations. Disinfectants and antibiotics are ‘killers’ of the very microbial life that will digests the solids, reduces odor, and help keep the facility clean.

    When starting The Livestock Answer™ program …

    ‘JUMP-START’ PROGRAM – waste remediation as follows:
    * First: Mix 2 parts The Bio-Compost Answer™ and 1 part The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ with 10 parts non-chlorinated water. Spray down the animal facility – walls, rails, floor (slat or solid) with and allow it to run into the pit or drain system. Repeat in 2-4 weeks.
    * Second: For pits and ponds: Mix 2 parts The Bio-Compost Answer™ and 1 part The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ with up to 10 parts non-chlorinated water per acre foot of pit and pond volume. Spray or pour over, or inject into pit or pond to rapidly stimulate aerobic and anaerobic microbes to digest existing solids on the bottom of pits or lagoons. Repeat in 2 weeks.
    * Third: If you do NOT see pond or pit bubbling activity within one week, apply another ‘JUMP-START’ treatment.

    Once the remediation action has started, if you are using The Livestock Answer™, you may never need to repeat the ‘JUMP-START’ treatment again, and a maintenance program of facility wash-down every couple months–depending on how clean you wish to keep your facility and your use of antibiotics and disinfectants, will be all that is needed

    Mix The Bio-Compost Answer™ and The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ 2:1, and then add to up to 300 parts non-chlorinated water and spray down or mist the animal facility allowing runoff into the pit or drain system and then into the lagoon.
    * If continually using The Livestock Answer™, and depending on the use of antibiotics, disinfectants, footbaths, number of animals in the facility, etc, the MAINTENANCE PROGRAM may only be needed every 2-6 months or as often as desired to keep waste and odor down in your facility, and you pit and pond active.

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting
  •  Enzymes have been used for years in some livestock and bird operations, what is special about Livestock Answer™?

    There are 17 different enzyme catalysts in The Livestock Answer™, manufactured as a synergistic unit (team) to improve digestion of protein, fat, multiple starches and fibers. The Livestock Answer™ also contains other ingredients proven to aid in digestion and support overall gut health.

    The digestion of feed and assimilation of nutrients is an animal’s #1 most stressful activity especially if there are any negative issues such as worms, parasites, ulcerations, out of balance biotics, etc. Here is where The Livestock Answer™ truly excels: Not only do the enzymes and probiotics help reduces stress by improving digestion and nutrient assimilation, the other ingredients help eliminate intestinal parasites, and furnish natural electrolytes that assist and stimulate the animal’s own immune system, thus helping reducing the need of antibiotics.

    In short: More efficient digestion of feed and nutrient uptake; Less feed required for weight gain with better lean-to-fat ratios; Improved gut health and over-all improved well-being; Improved immune system for antibiotic reduction or even elimination. All over improved health also means better a better bottom line.’

  •  Under what feeding situations is feeding Livestock Answer™ most effective and profitable?

    The Livestock Answer™ is effective under ‘all’ feeding situations, and you may not even realize that ‘all’ situations may include ‘special’ situation about which you’re not even aware since they have become so ‘everyday normal.’ It usually takes change/improvement to realize a ‘special-normal’ situation existed.

    The biggest improvements are noticed when animals are under stress, such as if requiring antibiotics or special meal formulations. But, we are so used to seeing animals that are fed GMO or low nutrient fodder, living in unhealthy or unnatural conditions, being routinely fed hormones and antibiotics, that being under stress may not even be identifiable – it’s just a ‘normal’ situation.

    Often it takes the time required to actually live through the improvements – calmer animal, less feed consumed, less coat and hoof issues, less antibiotics or hormones used, better conception rates, less morbidity and mortality, improved weight gain, better lean-to-fat ratios, more and better milk quality, improved bottom-line – to even be aware that there were situations that needed improvement. The Livestock Answer™ is for ALL situations.

    Always make sure your animals have plenty of good water.

  •  How can I be sure that Livestock Answer™ is working or mixed well with the ration?

    Though primarily a dry animal feed additive that large producers mix with grains in mixing equipment such as ribbon-blenders, The Livestock Answer™ is versatile and absolute ‘exact measurements’ are not a requirement. As long as you are generally within the suggested dosage – 2.5 lbs per 2,000 lbs (1 ton) of dry feed, you can simply top dress as a powder, or mix thoroughly with water and pour over the feed. For animals with very sensitive noses, such as horses, mixing first with water is best for top dressing: Horses, for example, don’t like powder that ‘tickles’ their nose.

    One of the first proofs that The Livestock Answer™ is working is from the other end: waste will become more consistent; there will be less undigested feed in the fecal matter; odor will be reduced or eliminated; there may even be dead (or nearly dead) worms and parasites in the waste.

    Other results may take a bit longer to notice: calmer animal, better conception rates, less feed consumed but with improved weight gain and better lean-to-fat ratios, improved feather, and coat and foot health, better muscle tone and faster recovery rates, less morbidity and mortality, less antibiotics or hormones used, more and better milk quality, improved bottom-line.

  •  What effect does Livestock Answer™ have on manure odors including ammonia?

    Digestion starts in the very beginning of the digestive track. The Livestock Answer™ formulation promotes a healthy digestive track as well as aiding in more rapid and thorough digestion of feed. An animal or foul with a healthy digestive system will have the feed more thoroughly digested and the nutrient portions more completely utilized before the remaindering exits. Result: Less waste, Less odor. But digestion does not stop there.

    The enzymes provided in The Livestock Answer™ formula, being catalysts, continue to work after leaving the digestive tract and continue to stimulate aerobic and anaerobic microbes to transform inorganic salts into organic forms, less toxic and more available plant nutrients. Pasture manure piles digest rapidly and the lush grass growing near the piles is palatable and nutritious.

    The same is true in pits or lagoons, The Livestock Answer™ formula stimulates both anaerobic and aerobic single-cell, plant-side microbes. The aerobic microbes produce oxygen that acts as a scrubber, attaching to the ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane gases that rise to the manure storage surface. RESULTS: LESS MANURE ODOR AND INCREASE AVAILABLE ORGANIC PLANT NUTRIENTS

  •  On the 25 lb bag, the recommendation is to feed 2.5 lb/ton of dry animal feed. Are there any variations?

    Conditions vary, so the recommendation is an average. More may work better for pelleted feeds, GMO feed, and other variables unique to your situation. For example; One cattleman reported that 5 lb/ton reduced the feed consuption by 50 percent. For small animals (dogs, cats, etc.) users suggest 1 - 1.5 ounces per 10 pounds of dry feed.

  •  How can I prove to myself fast, that Livestock Answer™ works on my animals?

    We often suggest that, if you have any doubts, you start with your sick pen and observe recovery rates.

    Also, If you have a young or old animal–cat, dog, horse, cow…, add The Livestock Answer™ to their daily ration for 2 weeks. Observe their alertness, improved activity, appetite and hair coat, etc.

    Always make sure your animals have plenty of good water.

  •  What benefits do customers observe most easily?

    * Reproduction:, aggressive heats and improved conception rates in females, aggressive libido and sperm count in males.
    * Improved general health, less sickness especially during stress periods.
    * Alertness but calmness in handling.
    * Improved feather and hair coat, and improved hoof & foot health
    * Less pungent manure and facility odor – Less manure.
    * Less external pests, i.e. flies, flees, ticks, etc.
    * Reduced feed consumption with improved rate of weight gain

  •  Can 1.25 pounds/ton be thoroughly mixed in a farm mixer?

    We would recommend that The Livestock Answer™ be added with a fine grind carrier and premix prior to adding to a farm mixer. But, Livestock Answer™ is versatile and meant to make a producers job easier. If this works best for you and you see improvement in your livestock and your bottom-line, do what you feel is best and keep us posted. We love hearing from you.

  •  If I have a buildup of manure solids on the lagoon or pit floor, will the addition of Livestock Answer™ to the feed ration digest those manure solids?

    The answer is, “Yes”, but it can be rather slow if you are using disinfectants and antibiotics in your facility, water or feed rations. Disinfectants and antibiotics are ‘killers’ of the very microbial life that will digests the solids, reduces odor, and help keep the facility clean.

    When starting The Livestock Answer™ program …

    ‘JUMP-START’ PROGRAM – waste remediation as follows:
    * First: Mix 2 parts The Bio-Compost Answer™ and 1 part The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ with 10 parts non-chlorinated water. Spray down the animal facility – walls, rails, floor (slat or solid) with and allow it to run into the pit or drain system. Repeat in 2-4 weeks.
    * Second: For pits and ponds: Mix 2 parts The Bio-Compost Answer™ and 1 part The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ with up to 10 parts non-chlorinated water per acre foot of pit and pond volume. Spray or pour over, or inject into pit or pond to rapidly stimulate aerobic and anaerobic microbes to digest existing solids on the bottom of pits or lagoons. Repeat in 2 weeks.
    * Third: If you do NOT see pond or pit bubbling activity within one week, apply another ‘JUMP-START’ treatment.

    Once the remediation action has started, if you are using The Livestock Answer™, you may never need to repeat the ‘JUMP-START’ treatment again, and a maintenance program of facility wash-down every couple months–depending on how clean you wish to keep your facility and your use of antibiotics and disinfectants, will be all that is needed

    Mix The Bio-Compost Answer™ and The Frozen-Flame Compost Answer™ 2:1, and then add to up to 300 parts non-chlorinated water and spray down or mist the animal facility allowing runoff into the pit or drain system and then into the lagoon.
    * If continually using The Livestock Answer™, and depending on the use of antibiotics, disinfectants, footbaths, number of animals in the facility, etc, the MAINTENANCE PROGRAM may only be needed every 2-6 months or as often as desired to keep waste and odor down in your facility, and you pit and pond active.

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